Jacob and Carrie Landes House
- 520 Northwest 3rd Street, Abilene, KS, USA
G.E. and Mamie Duckwall House
- 1201 North Buckeye Avenue, Abilene, KS, USA
M.E. Collins House
- 410 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Mathias Nicolay House
- 608 North Cedar Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Hiland Southworth House
- 320 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Daniel C. Ballore House
- 308 Northeast 9th Street, Abilene, KS, USA
E.J. and Sara Warner House
- 607 Northwest 3rd Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Abram and Ida Gish House
- 1100 North Olive Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Hallam House
- 316 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Ada Southworth House
- 308 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
William and Myrtle Broughton House
- 308 East 1st Street, Abilene, KS, USA
David Ross Gorden House
- 400 North Cedar Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Herbert and Mildred Hodge House
- 803 North Cedar Street, Abilene, KS, USA
A. Howard and Mary Paul House
- 604 North Spruce Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Harry Felty House
- 821 Northwest 3rd Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Hannah Urie House
- 202 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Paul Chronisters House
- 2951 Jeep Road, Abilene, KS, USA
Versteeg-Swisher House
- 506 South Campbell Street, Abilene, KS, USA
John F. and Deborah Hantz House
- 814 North Kuney Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Frank L. Parker House
- 611 Northwest 3rd Street, Abilene, KS, USA
William H. Anderson House
- 204 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Davis House
- 414 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS, USA
Samuel and Alice Smith House
- 900 North Buckeye Avenue, Abilene, KS, USA
J.K. Urie House
- 1005 West 1st Street, Abilene, KS, USA